On Tuesday, August 29, at the Center for Sociological, Economic, Political and Anthropological Research (CISEPA) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica...
Within the framework of the project “Study for the Revision of Quality of Life Indicators in rural territories”, Rimisp – Latin American Center for Rural Development conducted three workshops in the communes of Paihuano (Coquimbo region), Quellón (Los Lagos region) and Marchigüe (O’Higgins region), in order to review the relevance of the current indicators, as well as to define standards for the indicators of the final proposal.
Through discussion and debate, the attendees suggested which indicators proposed by the Rural Quality of Life Indicators System (SICVIR) were or were not being met according to their perspective and experiences in the sector.
Karla Bayres, research assistant at Rimisp, shares the importance of the community workshops. “These workshops allow us to co-construct indicators considering local perspectives and to discuss the relevance of different ways of interpreting rural quality of life”.
The Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa) of the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture contracted Rimisp to revise the proposed System of Indicators of Rural Quality of Life (SICVIR) and develop its reference standards, as well as to incorporate new indicators, in accordance with those proposed in previous studies and by the National Council for Rural Development (CNDR).
The first workshop was held at the Cultural Center of Paihuano, Coquimbo region.
The second workshop was held at the offices of the Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP) in Quellón, Chiloé.
The third and last workshop was held at the Municipal Library of Marchigüe, O’Higgins Region, and was attended by Cristian Silva Rosales, Seremi of Agriculture.
With the information gathered in the workshops, Rimisp will then produce a final report that can help to make visible the issues raised by the participants from the rural sectors.
On Tuesday, August 29, at the Center for Sociological, Economic, Political and Anthropological Research (CISEPA) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica...
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Within the framework of the Siembra Desarrollo project, executed by Rimisp - Latin American Center for Rural Development with the...