El presente documento corresponde al Informe final del estudio “Evaluación...
Thanks to the acceptance and community participation generated by Mercy Corps‘ Protierra Tibú Programme (2019 – 2023), which formalised 1,100 property rights for farming families and improved their food sovereignty and security, the Protierra Catatumbo Programme will be implemented.
Over the next seven years, support will be provided to rural families in Tibú, El Tarra and Sardinata, thanks to financial support from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, with the aim of developing a sustainable rural economy, expanding property rights, substituting illicit economies and strengthening agricultural production, benefiting 4,800 small producers.
This programme will be implemented in coordination with the National Land Agency, the Land Restitution Unit, the Land Renewal Agency and SENA, contributing to the implementation of the Peace Accords and the PDET Catatumbo. In addition, working closely with the municipalities of Tibú, El Tarra and Sardinata, Juntas de Acción Comunal and producers, peasant and ethnic organisations to build the road to peace in Catatumbo.
Rimisp – The Latin American Centre for Rural Development is supporting the strategic planning part of the programme in four components: follow-up/monitoring, associativity, productivity and land.
Specific Activities
El presente documento corresponde al Informe final del estudio “Evaluación...
The document presents the main results and findings in interviews...
This report is part of the output of the applied...
Our training offer is based on the connection of theoretical...
Rimisp - Latin American Centre for Rural Development presented the...
The Chilean team was composed of representatives of the Corporación...
Rimisp - Latin American Centre for Rural Development, launched the...
The objective of this project was to evaluate the results of the implementation of the Rural Women Programme of INDAP - PRODEMU, cohort 2022-2024, from a gender perspective.
The programme complements two of the key components of the 2016 Peace Accords, especially on issues of access to and use of land in the comprehensive rural reform and the substitution of illicit crops in the framework of the comprehensive...
The programme seeks to promote licit livelihoods, expand rural property rights and invigorate the economy in rural areas of the department of Cauca.
The programme complements two of the key components of the 2016 Peace Accords, especially on issues of access to and use of land in the comprehensive rural reform and the substitution of illicit crops in the framework of the comprehensive...
The programme seeks to promote licit livelihoods, expand rural property rights and invigorate the economy in rural areas of the department of Cauca.
In the framework of the implementation of the Development Programmes with a Territorial Approach (PDET), the challenges associated with territorial planning are positioned as a strategic priority to advance peacebuilding and the closing of socio-economic gaps in the territories most...