Final report of the project “Quality of Life Indicators Review Study” is published.


The document was prepared as part of a consultancy commissioned by the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa) of the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture.

The project Quality of Life Indicators Review Study in Rural Territories came to an end with the publication of the final report commissioned by the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa) of the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture.

The study undertaken by Rimisp is composed of three parts. First, a bibliographic review was generated that sought references to nurture the discussion on indicators from an international and national perspective. This exercise allowed us to evaluate the indicators that currently exist in SICVIR and to assess the possibility of correcting them or integrating some new ones, complementing the work done so far.

In the second part, the relevance and feasibility of existing and proposed new indicators were reviewed in the light of comments from previous studies, National Rural Development Council sessions and the development of a methodology developed by Rimisp to establish the feasibility of the indicators.

In the third part of this study, the methodologies implemented in the workshops for the Socialization of Rural Quality of Life Indicators are made visible. workshops for the Socialization of Rural Quality of Life Indicators that were carried out in three rural communes in Chile; Paihuano (Coquimbo Region), Quellón (Los Lagos Region) and Marchigüe (O’Higgins Region), which made it possible to evaluate the quality of life indicators proposed in the Rural Quality of Life Indicators System (SICVIR) (SICVIR) in some rural areas of the country.

The workshops focused on topics such as:

  • Housing quality
  • Access and availability of specialized medicine
  • Waiting time to access health care
  • Quality of education
  • Aging rural population
  • Production diversification
  • Impact of the increase in land subdivisions
  • Droughts
  • Loss of flora and fauna

Based on this process, it was concluded to maintain 34 of the original indicators, modify 5, integrate 39 new indicators and eliminate 12 indicators from the current SICVIR.

It was also noted that it is important to involve the actors linked to the political sectors in this discussion, since they are the ones who must make decisions involving a broader rurality project on a national scale.



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