The transformation of the state at territorial level faces important challenges due to limited technical, administrative, financial, human resources and infrastructure capacities. This results in institutions with limited responsiveness to meet citizens’ needs and close gaps in service delivery. Addressing these complexities requires a comprehensive approach that includes citizen participation, participatory planning, institutional capacity building, inter-institutional coordination and knowledge management.
Within the framework of USAID‘s Responsible Governance (RG) programme, this Rimisp-supported project has targeted seven rural municipalities categorised as having ‘medium’ municipal performance, which are part of the PDET sub-regions Cuenca del Caguán and piedemonte Caqueteño and Macarena Guaviare: Puerto Rico, El Paujil, San José del Fragua and Belén de los Andaquíes in Caquetá; and Mapiripán, Puerto Concordia and Puerto Lleras in the department of Meta.
This summary seeks to present in more detail the work that has been developed so far in the project. ‘Capacity Building of the Municipal Public Management Cycle in seven municipalities of the Department of Caquetá and Meta’.