El presente documento corresponde al Informe final del estudio “Evaluación...
The objective of this project is to generate new institutional arrangements at the national level in a set of Latin American territories considering the visions of traditionally excluded territorial actors, whose well-being and development are currently affected by the persistence of socio-territorial conflicts. This initiative is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Ford Foundation, within the framework of the project “General and Core support for Institutional Strengthening for Rimisp”.
The project has promoted the grounding and strengthening of Rimisp’s thematic area of socio-territorial conflicts (STC) through the adjustment of our theoretical and methodological framework to guide action, as well as the definition of a research agenda aimed at understanding the relationship between the definition and implementation of public policies, and the existence and treatment of conflicts.
In this sense, processes of applied research, capacity building, dialogue and advocacy have been implemented in rural territories in: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador in alliance with our territorial partners: PRISMA in Ahuachapán (El Salvador), CEDEPAS in Piura (Peru), CESDER in Sierra Norte (Mexico), IEI-PUJ Cali in Valle del Cauca (Colombia) and APROBASANK in Alta Verapaz (Guatemala).
Based on the identification and characterisation of a STC, progress was made in the implementation of different routes to understand and handle them, recognising the experience and nature of our partners, their level of involvement in the conflicts and the conditions of each territory. As a whole, the actions implemented from a territorial approach have contributed to:
In its first three years, these processes were linked to the development of the Territories in Dialogue: Inclusion and Well-being programme. Currently, actions are focused on understanding and dealing with conflicts related to:
El presente documento corresponde al Informe final del estudio “Evaluación...
The document presents the main results and findings in interviews...
This report is part of the output of the applied...
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The project aims to design and develop a learning study on the relationship between environmental degradation, climate change, and human rights. This process consists of five stages, beginning with an in-depth understanding of these relationships through a literature review and...
The development of this project had as its main objective to carry out an investigation to identify the factors that contribute to young people in rural areas deciding to cultivate or participate in the cultivation of coca or poppy in...
Starting in 2019, and with the support of IDRC and the Ford Foundation, Rimisp is implementing the Territorios en Diálogo project, which seeks to improve the wellbeing of territories excluded from the development process through innovations in both conceptual and...
Thanks to the acceptance and community participation generated by Mercy Corps' Protierra Tibú Programme (2019 - 2023), which formalised 1,100 property rights for farming families and improved their food sovereignty and security, the Protierra Catatumbo Programme will be implemented.
The aim of the project was the participatory design and evaluation of six behavioural initiatives to be included and implemented in the communications strategies of two city agencies. The methodological principles of this initiative are the use and application of...