Rimisp delivers investment materials for the “Agroecology for food security” project in the O’Higgins region.


In the town of Nerquihue, commune of Lolol, O’Higgins Region, the delivery of materials for the development of productive projects to the first participating families began, within the framework of the project “Agroecological production for food and nutritional security in the O’Higgins Region”, financed by the Ministry of Social Development and Family.

Since its inception, the project, which is also being implemented in the commune of Pumanque, has held several workshops aimed at empowering families living in the Nerquihue and Ranquilhue sectors in various agroecological production practices for food security. These workshops strengthened the sustainable technical-productive capacities of 40 rural families and their communities, promoting food security for the inhabitants in a sanitary emergency situation, through the support and technical improvement of their local productive units.

During October and November, the project will provide technical support to the families in the development of their projects, so that they have the opportunity to put them into operation with the advice of the agronomist team in the field.

In Lolol, of the 20 families participating in the initiative, 10 are developing projects related to biofilters and the remaining 10 families have prioritized the development of greenhouses. The 20 families participating in Pumanque are carrying out projects related to greenhouses, wells, vegetable gardens and corrals, among others.

María Constanza Christian, Rimisp researcher, indicates that both territories will end the year with their projects in full operation: “We hope to make a closing with the groups of each territory, evaluating the process developed together during this year, and collecting good practices for the transfer of agroecology as a tool for the construction of food security and sovereignty in the rural territories of Chile“.


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