Rimisp conducted an international study tour to Colombia in the framework of the project with Peruvian Regional Development Agencies.


The project “Identification, sensitization and advocacy for the consolidation of the Regional Development Agencies (ARD) in Peru”, implemented by Rimisp – Latin American Center for Rural Development, thanks to funding from the European Union and the German government, seeks to contribute to the sustainability process of the ARD in Peru.

As part of the sensitization of relevant project actors, Rimisp, following the trip to Chile, undertook a second international study tour, this time to Colombia, aimed at representatives of national and regional level entities that integrate public sector institutions, private sector, academia and civil society of the Regional Development Agencies (ARD) with the objective of learning about the experience of decentralization, public-private articulation and promotion of competitiveness and innovation, the promotion of sustainable investments in Colombia, as well as successful experiences to unblock critical articulation processes, which may serve as inspiration for the challenges faced by the national government to promote the reform of the ARD in Peru.

The list of participants in the study tour included national stakeholders from the Peruvian government such as: the National Institute for Agrarian Innovation (INIA), the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, the Secretariat of Decentralization of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (SD-PCM), the Undersecretary of Regional and Local Articulation, the National Competitiveness Council, the National Center for Strategic Planning (CEPLAN) and the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC).

The study tour lasted four days, from Monday, March 26 to Thursday, March 29, and covered topics relevant to the consolidation of RDAs in Peru, such as decentralization, public and private investments, state innovation, regional competitiveness and public-private articulation. In addition, various Colombian entities were visited to learn about their experience in these areas and reflect on lessons learned and sustainability strategies for Regional Development Agencies.

Valentina Fuentes, Rimisp’s research assistant who coordinated the study tour, highlighted the experience in Colombia, since it was possible to see the experiences and instances of articulation of the different levels of government, central or national level and regional or departmental level, such as the visit to the Secretary of Agriculture of the Department of Huila, and territorial experiences at local level such as the visit to cocoa producers of small family agriculture.

Finally, Valentina said: ”It was quite enriching to see that during the trip, Peruvian government actors at the national level, such as INIA, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Secretariat of Decentralization of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, were able to meet and talk about the work they do, since many times there are no opportunities for them to know each other and know what they are working on. Therefore, they were able to learn from each other about their own work, exchange experiences, what they do and how they can complement each other to strengthen and promote experiences such as regional development agencies”.

The study trip and its activities

The first day began with a visit to Rimisp’s offices in Bogota, Colombia, where the study tour was introduced. This was followed by a visit to the Directorate of Decentralization and Regional Development to discuss decentralization, public and private investment and state innovation.

On the second day, the Rural Development Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture of Colombia were visited, where the decentralized work model and public-private work experiences for the implementation of rural development projects were analyzed. In addition, the dynamics of competitiveness and economic development around productive linkages were discussed.

On the third day, participants traveled to Neiva/Rivera, Huila, to discuss public-private experiences in value chains that drive regional economic development. The day concluded with a visit to farms of small-scale cocoa producers, where participants of Fundación Luker’s project, The Cocoa Effect, presented on public-private ventures in Peru.

Finally, on the fourth day of the trip, a visit was made to the Secretariat of Agriculture in the Department of Huila, where the regional institutional instruments to support public-private activities and innovation actions in the Department were explained. A conversation was also held with producers and the National Federation of Coffee Growers at the offices of Nespresso. A visit was also made to the Association of Producers and Marketers of Cocoa Beans, Cocoa Liquor and Bitter Chocolate (ASOPECA), where a visit was made and a discussion was held with exhibitors and cocoa producers at the Huila Cocoa and Coffee Production Fair.

Over the course of the 4-day study tour, the Rimisp team accompanied and guided the collective reflections and technical exchanges in order to answer the following questions: What experiences of inter-institutional articulation in terms of productive promotion, development and innovation have been developed in Colombia? What lessons can be identified from these experiences that can contribute to Peru’s regional economic development strategies?

Since 2018, the German Development Cooperation – GIZ together with the Secretariat for Decentralization of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (SD – PCM) is supporting the design and implementation of Regional Development Agencies (ARD) in seven departments of Peru (Apurímac, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, La Libertad, Piura and San Martín) with the aim of activating regional economic development and contributing to the decentralization process with a territorial approach. The project “Sustainable economic development and promotion of SMEs at the subnational level”, co-financed by the European Union and the German government and executed by GIZ Peru, is being supported for this purpose.


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