Rimisp 2023 Annual Report

This document provides an overview of the work carried out this year. It is divided into sections: projects, activities, publications, press appearances, institutional strengthening, donors and Rimisp’s network of partners.

Redesigning Decentralisation – Executive Summary

This paper attempts to take some steps in the still shaky terrain of the new decentralisation. In addition to this introduction, the paper presents an executive summary and four chapters with their respective annexes. We have revised, adjusted and expanded what we call the findings of the decentralisation model, incorporating in this version, among other elements, the analysis of ethnic territories, especially indigenous ones, as well as defining more precisely the scope of the transfer model.

Results of the evaluation of the Digital Route 2021 project. Closing connectivity gaps for rural women

This document is the result of the project ‘Evaluation of the Digital Route 2021. Closing connectivity gaps for rural women’ developed by Rimisp – Latin American Centre for Rural Development, and was made possible thanks to funding from the Fund for a Better Life 2022 of the Chilean Ministry of Social Development and Family. We are also grateful for the collaboration of Fundación PRODEMU for their efforts in making this evaluation possible.

Final Report “Evaluation of Digital Route 2021. Closing connectivity gaps for rural women”.

This document is the result of the project “Evaluation of the Digital Route 2021. Cerrando brechas de conectividad para las mujeres rurales” developed by Rimisp – Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural, and was made possible thanks to funding from the Fondo para vivir Mejor 2022 of the Chilean Ministry of Social Development and Family. In addition, we are grateful for the collaboration of Fundación PRODEMU for their efforts in making this evaluation possible.

The social state of tomorrow: dialogues on welfare, democracy and capitalism

The wave of demonstrations and diverse anti-neoliberal expressions that have shaken the planet in the last two decades have challenged us with regard to the way we conceive social policies and its articulation with politics. What does living together mean today in a context where capitalism and contemporary democracies are being reconfigured? How do we understand poverty? What are the factors that we must rethink in order to visualise the social state of the 21st century?
These are some of the questions which, together with fundamental issues such as inequality, work, migratory phenomena, the recognition of minorities, an ageing population, among others, are examined by the representatives of three currents of thought on the current Social State, from the perspective of the common good and social justice.