On Tuesday, August 29, at the Center for Sociological, Economic, Political and Anthropological Research (CISEPA) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica...
From January 23 to 26, representatives of the Regional Development Agencies (ARD) of Apurimac, Cajamarca, Cusco, La Libertad and Piura, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Secretariat of Decentralization of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (SD-PCM) and German development cooperation, implemented by GIZ, participated in the first study trip with the aim of learning about the productive development and innovation ecosystem in Chile.
This study tour is part of the project “Sustainable economic development and promotion of SMEs at the subnational level” led by the Secretariat for Decentralization of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with the support of the European Union, German development cooperation, implemented by the GIZ, and the Spanish Cooperation. One of the most important components of the study tour was to promote spaces for technical exchange that would provide feedback on the experience of the Peruvian RDAs with actors of the productive development and innovation ecosystem in Chile, through visits to entities such as Desarrolla Biobío, Corporación Regional de Desarrollo Productivo (CRDP) of Coquimbo and the Regional Productive Development Committee(CR DP ) of Coquimbo. Regional Productive Development Committee (CDPR) of Biobío Biobío, who shared technical and management experiences related to their entities and work.
The activities carried out during the 04 days in the cities of Santiago de Chile, La Serena and Concepción, were organized and executed by Rimisp – Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural, a German development cooperation partner implemented by GIZ, for the technical consultancy measure: “Identification, sensitization and advocacy for the consolidation of Regional Development Agencies (ARD) in Peru“.
The opening of the activities took place at Rimisp’s offices in Chile, with the presence of specialists in productive development and innovation, such as Rosa Tamayo and Carlos Calderón, from Corfo. Corfoand Marco Dini, from Cepal who presented the Chilean reality of the productive development and regional innovation ecosystem.
During the second day, the participants had the opportunity to visit the Regional Corporation for Productive Development (CRDP) of the Coquimbo Region, formerly the Regional Development Agency. During this visit, the Peruvian delegation and the professionals of the CRDP held a working group that allowed the exchange of experiences about the strategic axes and initiatives for productive development and regional sustainable growth.
With this same perspective of exchange, on the third day, a visit was made to the Biobío Regional Productive Development Committee (CDPR) and later to the Corporación Desarrolla Biobío, formerly the Regional Development Agency. In both spaces, working groups were held to exchange experiences and initiatives for productive development and technological innovation, as well as effective models of regional governance.
The activity ended with a synthesis workshop where the lessons learned from the experiences visited were shared.
Rogger Ruíz, Deputy General Manager of the Regional Government of La Libertad, said that “it is interesting to learn about the experiences that Chile has been developing, considering that it is a similar experience because we are similar cultures”. He also pointed out that “it is very interesting how these agencies decentralize resources to the provinces and, in the case of the corporations, they have an administrative apparatus that allows them to sustain the policies that are discussed within the board of directors and then allow them to be implemented”.
Luis Varillas Arguedas, Representative of the National Competitiveness Council of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, highlighted “Chile’s capacity to reach a consensus on a long-term policy for productive development and innovation through different actors, which has allowed pushing the necessary efforts to grow in this area. This is something that has been a bit complicated to do in Peru”. He added that “efforts are now being made to find the spaces to identify the relevant actors”.
Alex Távara, specialist of the Decentralization Secretariat of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, highlighted as important elements of the experience lived in Chile “the Institutionality, the Governance model, the issue of political will and the Regional State capacity of its officials, corporations and committees”. He also pointed out that the decentralization process experienced in Chile with the establishment of the Regional Governments is also an important point: “this process has left us with many lessons to be replicated and adapted to our own territories”.
Ignacia Fernández, Rimisp’s principal researcher and coordinator of the project “Identification, sensitization and advocacy for the consolidation of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in Peru“, made a positive assessment of the internship because “it allowed to analyze together with the participants, those positive aspects, but also other more critical ones, to advance towards the sustainability of RDAs in Peru and continue promoting innovation and competitiveness of the different territories”.
Since 2018, the European Union, the German development cooperation, implemented by the GIZ, and the Spanish Cooperation, together with the Secretariat for Decentralization of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (SD – PCM) are co-financing and supporting the design and implementation of Regional Development Agencies (ARD) in seven pilot regions of Peru (Apurímac, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, La Libertad, Piura and San Martín) with the objective of activating regional economic development and contributing to the decentralization process with a territorial approach. This work is being carried out with the support of the project “Sustainable economic development and promotion of SMEs at the subnational level”.
On Tuesday, August 29, at the Center for Sociological, Economic, Political and Anthropological Research (CISEPA) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica...
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