In Latin America there are still high levels of poverty, with significant gaps between urban...
Thematic area that seeks to contribute to social cohesion and the inclusive participation of people, social organizations and institutions in territorial dynamics. To this end, it focuses on generating evidence on the inequalities that affect historically excluded groups, such as women, youth, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants. In addition to the development of research, this area promotes the expansion of the capacities of social actors and their political, social, economic and cultural participation, so that their visions and proposals for well-being are incorporated into local development.
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In Latin America there are still high levels of poverty, with significant gaps between urban...
Starting in 2019 and with the support of IDRC and Ford Foundation, Rimisp implements the...
The Transforming Territories Program is a set of research and advocacy initiatives that seek to...
As part of the "Networks for Agri-Food Transformation" project, Rimisp visited Bolivia to meet with...
The study tour lasted four days, from Monday, March 26 to Thursday, March 29, and...
The workshop was organized and executed by Rimisp and Cedepas Norte within the framework of...
The voices of rural women are heard in a podcast series, which highlights the challenges...
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