BSc in Economics from the University of Oxford and Business Administration with a major in Economics from the University of Chile.
PhD in Sociology from the School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), Master in Sociology and Statistics from the EHESS and Social Anthropologist from the University of Chile.
Industrial Engineer, specialist in Social Evaluation of Projects and Master in Public and Social Policies.
Master in International Finance and Trade from the University of Barcelona, Spain, Economist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and Diploma in Foreign Trade, UNAM.
PhD in Sociology, Paris Descartes University; MA in Sociology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS); Commercial Engineer with a major in Economics, Universidad Chile.
D. in Agricultural Economics from Oregon State University, United States and a B.A. in Sociology from Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia.
MSc in Tourism, Development and Environment from King’s College London University and M.Phil. from the University of Glasgow.
Master of Applied Sciences in Agriculture and Forestry with emphasis on Rural Development from the University of Applied Sciences of Berne, Switzerland. Sociologist at the National University of Colombia.
Master in Agricultural and Environmental Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and Commercial Engineer, Universidad de Valparaíso.
Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Barcelona; International Diploma in Human Rights, Gender and Public Policy, Henry Dunant Foundation; Agribusiness Engineer, University of Santiago de Chile.
Master in Management and Public Policy and Veterinary Doctor, University of Chile.
Master in Latin American Studies (UNAM); Diploma in Social Ecology and Political Ecology (USACH-HBS) and in Participatory Methodologies for Social and Community Intervention (UAHC); and Social Anthropologist (U. of Chile).
Master in Development and International Cooperation, Universities of Valencia and Alicante, Spain and Agricultural Engineer, University of San Carlos de Guatemala.
Economist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
Specialisation in Public Policy and Gender Justice (Clacso – Flacso Brazil). Sociologist, Alberto Hurtado University, Chile. Master’s degree in Community Psychology from the University of Chile.
Researcher – Coordinator of Extension Programmes. Master in Management and Public Policy from the University of Chile, and Political Scientist with specialisation in government and public management from the Alberto Hurtado University.
PhD in Agricultural Economics and Master in Agricultural Economics University of Florida. Economist Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Professional in Government and Public Affairs, Universidad de los Andes. Colombia.
Economist from the Universidad de La Salle and Master’s candidate in Environmental Management at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Economist with a master’s degree in Economics from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Geographer of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Agricultural Engineer, Master in Economic Analysis, Universidad de Chile.
Master in Environment and Development from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Psychologist from Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Environmental Administrator
from Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.
Communications Coordinator.
Journalist, Social Communicator from the University of Santiago de Chile; Diploma in Development and Management of Digital Content from the Catholic University of Chile and graduate of the Master’s Degree in Political Communication from the University of Chile.
Communications Assistant.
Digital journalist specialized in web and social networks. Degree in Social Communication from Universidad Alberto Hurtado.