Territories in Dialogue: Inclusion and Rural Wellbeing

About the project

Starting in 2019, and with the support of IDRC and the Ford Foundation, Rimisp is implementing the Territorios en Diálogo project, which seeks to improve the wellbeing of territories excluded from the development process through innovations in both conceptual and practical approaches to development dynamics in contexts of socio-territorial conflict, with a particular focus on youth.

It will be developed in the territories of El Salvador, Mexico, Colombia and Peru, supporting the formulation and implementation of territorial development agreements, through the strengthening of transformative territorial coalitions and their leaders, promoting capacities for territorial transformation through dialogue, empowerment, and the capacity to mobilise resources; and capturing the voice and perspective of young women and men through innovative social methodologies that deepen our understanding of rural well-being and its dynamics.

In practice, the project will (i) promote processes that facilitate dialogue leading to the formulation and implementation of agreements and governance models for territorial development and (ii) implement a toolbox of action-research methodologies, indicators of daily life, and a social learning platform that accounts for the voices of the territory to document changes in the perception of well-being.

Learn more about the program HERE

Publications and documents

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Working with indigenous youth in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

Formation of dialogue tables with peasant communities in Piura, Peru.

Agricultural innovation in Piura, Peru

Generation of working coalitions in El Salvador

Lessons learned from the Territory in Dialogue, Inclusion and Rural Well-Being Program

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