Elaboration of a methodological guide for national application for the acceleration of PDET in harmonisation with territorial planning instruments

About the project

In the framework of the implementation of the Development Programmes with a Territorial Approach (PDET), the challenges associated with territorial planning are positioned as a strategic priority to advance peacebuilding and the closing of socio-economic gaps in the territories most affected by the armed conflict. For this reason, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Colombia has designed a project to elaborate a guide with guidelines for land-use planning in Development Programmes with a Territorial Approach – PDET, to be carried out by Rimisp. This project responds to the need to develop community initiatives embodied in the Action Plans for Territorial Transformation – PATR, which were defined in a participatory manner within the PDET framework, with the institutional and regulatory guidelines for territorial planning, in order to accelerate their implementation in the municipalities selected for the execution of these programmes.

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