Chilean Delegation participated in an internship to learn about sustainable agribusiness experiences in Ecuador


The Chilean team was composed of representatives of the Production Development Corporation  (Corfo), Foundation for Agrarian Innovation  (FIA), and Rimisp. From Ecuador, GIZ, MPCEIP, CONGOPE and the local consulting team will participate.

Within the framework of the project Analysis of the supply of territorial services for the development of agro-industry in Chile and transfer to Ecuador -which in November 2024 had received the visit of Ecuadorian representatives in Chile (see note)– a Chilean delegation made up of members of the Production Development Corporation (Corfo), the Foundation for Agrarian Innovation (Fia) y Rimisp, travelled to Ecuador to participate in an internship aimed at learning about the best practices of sustainable agro-industry in the country Ecuador.

The Ecuadorian delegation was represented by Ministry of Production, Forein Trade, Industry and Fisheries (MPCEIP), the Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE), the German Development Cooperation – GIZ and the consultant in charge of the project in Ecuador.

A tour of the provinces of Pichincha, Manabí and Napo

During their visit, the Chilean delegation was able to learn about the operation and development of the Ecuadorian agro-industrial sector through experiences in three key provinces: Pichincha, Manabí and Napo.

  • Day 1: | The Chilean delegation received at the Ministry of Foreing Affairs of Ecuador where the agenda and objectives of the internship were presented. The participants then travelled to the Northern Governmental Platform in Quito to learn about the initiatives of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Industry and Fisheries (MPCEIP) y el Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE).
  • Day 2: The team visited Ciudad Mitad del Mundo, where they explored the site’s management model, including the cocoa museum and entrepreneurship shop. Afterwards, they headed to Conquito, an acceleration and support centre for entrepreneurs in the Metropolitan District of Quito.
  • Day 3: The day began with a visit to the Entrepreneurship Centre of the Prefecture of Manabí, where they learned about its programmes to support entrepreneurs. The group then visited the ‘Manabí Produce’ shop, before travelling to Manta, where they learned about the experience of ‘Tienda Chocolates Samor’, linked to the innovation centre ‘Hecho 100% en Manabí’.
  • Day 4: In Tena, Ecuador, the delegation visited the Corporación de la Chakra Amazónica and the Kallari Collection Centre, to learn about their management and innovation models.
  • Day 5: In the Prefecture of Napo, participants explored the Napu Marka initiative, aimed at supporting entrepreneurship and innovation in the region. The day concluded with a visit to two local agro-industries dedicated to the production of food for export.
  • Day 6: The internship culminated with a closing workshop, where participants shared their experiences and lessons learned during the visit.

The proyect “Analysis of the supply of territorial services for the development of agribusiness in Chile and transfer to Ecuador”, promoted by the Regional Fund for Triangular Cooperation implemented by GIZ and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), seeks to take advantage of the Chilean experience to replicate successful practices in Ecuador, facilitating a triangulation cooperation between Chile, Ecuador and Germany.



Translation by: Alexandra Kerangal Macé.


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