Rimisp Academy presents its 2025 courses

Our training offer is based on the connection of theoretical and practical knowledge emerging from Rimisp’s applied research deployed in different Latin American territories. The courses have been designed to strengthen and expand the capacities of actors involved in territorial development in Latin America. More than 2,000 students have participated in the Rimisp Academy.
Rimisp presents results of the evaluation of INDAP and PRODEMU’s Rural Women Programme

Rimisp – Latin American Centre for Rural Development presented the results and conclusions of the Ex-Post Evaluation of the Rural Women’s Programme, class of 2022-2024, in the office of the National Institute for Agricultural Development (INDAP).
Chilean Delegation participated in an internship to learn about sustainable agribusiness experiences in Ecuador

The Chilean team was composed of representatives of the Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (Corfo), Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (Fia) and Rimisp. From Ecuador, GIZ, MPCEIP, CONGOPE and the local consulting team will participate.
Podcast ‘Harvesting Stories from the Americas’: Indigenous Peoples’ Dialogues on their Food Systems

Rimisp – Latin American Centre for Rural Development, launched the podcast ‘Harvesting Stories from the Americas’, a three-episode series of dialogues from the meeting ‘Transformation of Food Systems: Perspectives from Peoples and Nations of the Americas’, held in Yunguilla, Ecuador.
Annual Report 2024: Contributing to the understanding of Latin America and its territory diversity

The document provides an overview of Rimisp’s work during the year. It is divided into sections: projects, activities, publications, press and digital media management, donors and Rimisp’s network of partners.
Director of Rimisp in Chile participates in conferences in Thailand

Rodrigo Yáñez participated in the ‘Expert Group Meeting on Alternative Development’ in Bangkok, Thailand, and in the ‘Royal Project International Conference: From Alternative Development (AD) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Rimisp presents results of study on outstanding experiences of agroecological transition in Latin America

The project ‘Lessons from Latin America on Agroecology and Territorial Development for the Transition to Inclusive and Climate Change Resilient Food Systems’, led by Rimisp and funded by IDRC, had its closing milestone with a webinar that brought together organisations leading agroecological transition initiatives in the region.
Ecuadorian delegation explores agro-industrial development models in Chile

Members of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Industry and Fisheries – MPCEIP of Ecuador, the Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador – CONGOPE, and the German Development Cooperation – GIZ, participated in an internship in Chile to learn about good Chilean practices and strengthen the territorial productive potential and promote sustainable agribusiness in Ecuador.