Our training offer is based on the connection of theoretical...
This project seeks to contribute to the improvement of the capacities of the five Community Councils of black communities located in the municipality of López de Micay in the department of Cauca.
The project focuses on promoting capabilities that help them to manage their vision of development and the collective governance of their territories as a contribution to the construction of territorial peace. Based on the identification of thematic and organisational needs with their leaders, a training process is proposed as a strategy for capacity building and the facilitation of scenarios for dialogue and meetings that allow them to advance in their development, to construct a second level of municipal organisation. Delegations from the councils’ boards of directors are directly involved in this process and thematic and pedagogical work will be carried out with them, providing tools to socialise these contents in their territories, especially with the other members of the councils.
The proposed work methodology has been designed taking into account a territorial, ethnic and gender approach that allows for a comprehensive contribution to the strengthening of these organisations, which are considered the highest internal authorities in their territories.
Likewise, the proposal connects with the objectives of the Embassy of Ireland to create dialogue and the construction of agendas and collective proposals for Community Councils and the importance of their role in the participation and promotion of good governance.
What are the benefits for Community Councils?
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Our training offer is based on the connection of theoretical...
Rimisp - Latin American Centre for Rural Development presented the...
The Chilean team was composed of representatives of the Corporación...
Rimisp - Latin American Centre for Rural Development, launched the...
The project ‘Strengthening capacities in the supply of public and private services to increase territorial productive potential by generating sustainable agribusinesses’ is promoted through the Regional Fund for Triangular Cooperation and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation...
The consultancy consisted of developing a monitoring system and a communications plan for the Country-Level Policy Engagement (CLPE) strategy of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
The project aims to develop, in a participatory manner, a set of socio-ecological indicators, from which it will be possible to generate sustainability indices for different restoration landscapes. The indicators will take into account the different dimensions of the landscape:...
The programme complements two of the key components of the 2016 Peace Accords, especially on issues of access to and use of land in the comprehensive rural reform and the substitution of illicit crops in the framework of the comprehensive...
The programme seeks to promote licit livelihoods, expand rural property rights and invigorate the economy in rural areas of the department of Cauca.
In the framework of the implementation of the Development Programmes with a Territorial Approach (PDET), the challenges associated with territorial planning are positioned as a strategic priority to advance peacebuilding and the closing of socio-economic gaps in the territories most...