Inclusive Rural Development DRI Algo Nuevo in Cauca: Strategic Planning of the third phase of the Programme implemented by Mercy Corps

The programme complements two of the key components of the 2016 Peace Accords, especially on issues of access to and use of land in the comprehensive rural reform and the substitution of illicit crops in the framework of the comprehensive solution to the drug problem.
Inclusive Rural Development DRI Algo Nuevo in Cauca: Systematisation of the second phase of the Programme implemented by Mercy Corps

The programme seeks to promote licit livelihoods, expand rural property rights and invigorate the economy in rural areas of the department of Cauca.
Elaboration of a methodological guide for national application for the acceleration of PDET in harmonisation with territorial planning instruments

In the framework of the implementation of the Development Programmes with a Territorial Approach (PDET), the challenges associated with territorial planning are positioned as a strategic priority to advance peacebuilding and the closing of socio-economic gaps in the territories most affected by the armed conflict.
Lessons learned from Latin America and the Caribbean for the sustainable and inclusive transformation of agrifood systems

The initiative, part of the activities carried out by the Networks for Agri-Food Transformation project and supported financially by Canada’s IDRC, aims to establish a set of lessons learned and strategies to promote more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient agri-food systems in Latin America. Additionally, it seeks to foster South-South learning to inform similar processes in Africa and Asia, drawing from the region’s experiences and lessons learned. The project’s specific objectives include mapping initiatives, gathering evidence, and identifying key actors related to agroecology in the region, as well as recommending research topics and pinpointing entry points to advance a research agenda in this field.
Learning study on the relationship between environmental degradation, climate change and human rights

The project aims to design and develop a learning study on the relationship between environmental degradation, climate change, and human rights. This process consists of five stages, beginning with an in-depth understanding of these relationships through a literature review and documentary analysis. This is followed by a validation process using primary sources and a targeted approach, ultimately leading to the creation of a training module aimed at strengthening the knowledge and capacities of individuals, communities, and civil society organizations in adapting to climate change as a measure of self-protection or collective protection. The literature review helps identify key variables and dimensions for focusing on two subregions, where a case study will be conducted to contextualize and explore relevant content for training processes. These municipalities are Tibú, in Norte de Santander, and San Vicente del Caguán, in Caquetá. Beyond examining the relationship between these variables, the learning study also aims to contribute to institutional and community-based protection mechanisms against climate change vulnerability in the context of armed conflict.
Border territories and policies to deal with the illicit drugs problem in the northern commonwealth of Ecuador

This research report focuses on Ecuador, a country in the Andean subregion that, despite having played a very different role from countries such as Colombia or Peru in the drug trafficking chain and in dealing with the drug phenomenon, has become a strategic location for this illegal economy over the course of the 21st century.
Illicit Coca Cultivation and Public Policies in Peru: A Socio-territorial Conflict Approach

This report characterizes the socio-territorial conflicts linked to the expansion of illicit coca crops and state control policies in Peru. Its objective is to systematize the available information on the situation of these crops and their recent territorial disaggregation.
Public Policy and Socio-territorial Conflicts: Analysis of the Comprehensive National Programme for the Substitution of Illicit Crops in Colombia (PNIS)

This research report presents the case study on Colombia carried out in the framework of the research “Territorial dynamics and socio-territorial conflicts (CST) associated with the production (cultivation) and/or circulation (transit) of illicit drugs in the Andean sub-region of Latin America”.
Public Policy and Socio-territorial Conflicts: Coca Substitution and Control in the Andean Sub-region. Context and trends

This is one of the four working documents that make up the collection of publications prepared by the research team with the purpose of presenting and disseminating some reflections based on the findings obtained in the project: Strengthening the thematic area of socio-territorial conflicts.
Project summary:
Capacity Building in the Municipal Public Management Cycle in seven municipalities of the Department of Caquetá and Meta

This summary seeks to present in more detail the work that has been developed so far in the project. ‘Capacity Building of the Municipal Public Management Cycle in seven municipalities of the Department of Caquetá and Meta’.