Ecuadorian delegation explores agro-industrial development models in Chile

Members of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Industry and Fisheries – MPCEIP of Ecuador, the Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador – CONGOPE, and the German Development Cooperation – GIZ, participated in an internship in Chile to learn about good Chilean practices and strengthen the territorial productive potential and promote sustainable agribusiness in Ecuador.

CHILE: Electoral Balance of Rural Communes in the Municipal and Regional Government Elections 2024

This report presents a brief electoral balance of the 2024 elections in rural areas, considering only the results for the offices of mayors and GOREs. Unlike other Rimisp reports, on this occasion, a comparative analysis with previous processes is not carried out due to the fact that the recent elections present different characteristics (mandatory voting and a decrease in the percentage of the majority required to elect GOREs). The territorial focus of the study is on the commune as the unit of analysis, using the categorisation defined by the National Rural Development Policy (PNDR), namely: urban (82), rural (185) and mixed (78).

Territorial Diagnosis of Torotoro’s local food system

This report is part of the output of the applied research project ‘Networks for agro-food transformation’ and carries out a review and analysis of the current situation of Torotoro (Bolivia) with respect to its food system based on its socio-cultural and productive dynamics, using secondary and primary information, revised as of December 2023.

Analysis of the supply of territorial services for the development of agro-industry in Chile and transfer to Ecuador.

The project ‘Strengthening capacities in the supply of public and private services to increase territorial productive potential by generating sustainable agribusinesses’ is promoted through the Regional Fund for Triangular Cooperation and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It will be implemented with partners from Latin America and the Caribbean on a triangular basis, with Chile as lead partner, Ecuador as requesting partner and Germany as facilitator. This cooperation seeks not only to increase the territorial productive potential, but also to ensure that it is sustainable.

Generation of socio-ecological indicators and sustainability index for landscape restoration.

The project aims to develop, in a participatory manner, a set of socio-ecological indicators, from which it will be possible to generate sustainability indices for different restoration landscapes.

The indicators will take into account the different dimensions of the landscape: biodiversity, water and inland aquatic ecosystems, and ecosystem services: sustainable production, human well-being, and governance.

The project will be implemented in seven landscapes of the Mediterranean ecoregion of central Chile, specifically in the regions of Coquimbo, Valparaíso, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble and Biobío. The initiative is financed by the FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.

Consultancy for the Elaboration of a National Plan for Peasant and Indigenous Family Farming in Chile

Development of a National Plan for Peasant and Indigenous Family Farming, in line with the commitments of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the REAF/MERCOSUR Plan for the Decade of Family Farming. This will be achieved through the creation of dialogue spaces between public institutions and peasant organizations within REAF/MERCOSUR civil society.