Manuel Chiriboga Award 2023

Winners of the 2023 Award

From a total of 23 nominations, the jury allocated the first place and honourable mention for the 5th edition of the prize.

Rimisp – Latin American Center for Rural Development, an organization that works to promote transformation strategies for the equity of rural territories in the region, organizes the Manuel Chiriboga Award to highlight and support the development of PhD thesis projects in any discipline of the social sciences on topics associated with the productive, social and institutional transformations of rural societies in Latin America.

This year 2023 is the fifth version of the award. It is a biennial award that was created with the purpose of paying tribute to the outstanding Ecuadorian sociologist Manuel Chiriboga for his outstanding contribution to knowledge and the transformation of Latin American rural societies for their prosperity, justice and sustainability. The prize has been awarded since its creation in 2015 to students from different Latin American countries.

The Manuel Chiriboga Prize committee selected the finalists from among all those who applied, recognising only one as the winner of the competition, awarding him or her with a monetary prize of $3,500 (three thousand five hundred) US dollars; with academic support for the development of his or her thesis; and with the electronic publication of his or her thesis, enabling his or her participation in scientific and/or media circulation and social events.

This version of the award also grants a special honorable mention to a doctoral thesis project related to the topic of Climate Change, who will receive academic support for the development of his thesis and its respective electronic publication.

Previous contest winners

*2015 Call: Marianne Daher (Chile) for the project. Evaluation of social programs for poverty intervention: opportunities and challenges of integrating objective and subjective dimensions. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

*2017 Call: Felipe Irarrázaval (Chile) for the project Global production networks and the extractive sector: natural Gas revenues and regional economic change in the Andes. The University of Manchester.

*Call 2019: Sebastián Villamizar (Colombia) for the project. Making the rural urban: The creation of a mixed neighborhood in the Colombian countryside. City University of New York – Graduate Center.

*Call 2021: María Catalina Gómez (Colombia), for the project “Peasant, indigenous and black women in the access to land ownership and the construction of community territorialities”, carried out within the framework of the Doctorate in Development Studies of the University of the Basque Country.

*Honorable Mention in Socio-territorial Conflicts 2021: Estefanía Palacios, for the project “Individually, we are a drop. Together, we are a river”: Analysis of the rural women’s participation in community water systems in Ecuador”, carried out as part of the PhD in Geography at the University of Georgia.

For more information on the award, write to

Manuel Chiriboga (1951-2014)

‘Manuel Chiriboga was an outstanding Ecuadorian sociologist, trained at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), specialist in rural development, lover of his homeland and Latin America. He was Vice Minister of Agriculture, head of his country’s negotiating team for the FTA with the United States; executive secretary of the Latin American Association of Promotion Organisations (ALOP); director of the rural development programme of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA); coordinator of the working group on agrarian issues of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO); and creator and first Secretary of the National Secretariat for Integral Rural Development.

As a teacher, he was professor and researcher in economic and social history and rural studies at FLACSO, Ecuador, at the Diplomatic Academy of his country, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador, at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, and at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

He was an authority for the World Bank, the IDB, IFAD, FAO and IICA. He was also a senior researcher at Rimisp and founding director of our Ecuador office. But, above all, he was passionate about rural development, where his central concern was the inclusive modernisation of the countryside and rural societies, and the organisation and expression of civil society’.

Patricio Carrasco

Rimisp’s outreach coordinator.


Nathalie Chingaté - Winner of the Manuel Chiriboga Award 2023

Wendy Chávez - Honorable Mention Winner of the Manuel Chiriboga Award 2023

María Catalina Gómez - Manuel Chiriboga 2021 Award Winner

Estefanía Palacios - Honorable Mention Winner of the Manuel Chiriboga Award 2021

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