Identification, awareness-raising and advocacy for the consolidation of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in Peru

About the project

To date, the implementation and consolidation of the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) is being developed gradually, in accordance with the dynamics of each territory, and the work agenda includes actions such as the definition of the formal institutional framework; the development of their strategy and action plan; the leveraging of financial resources; and the design, communication, circulation and implementation of the services provided by each RDA in the territory.

In this scenario, and with the aim of ensuring sustainability in the implementation of RDA’s in Peru’s regional governments, it is necessary to mainstream the sustainable territorial development approach in the different sectoral development instruments, promoting governance systems that ensure the connection of actors for the achievement of cross-cutting development objectives.

Thus, the ‘Identification, awareness raising and advocacy for the consolidation of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in Peru’ project seeks to contribute in this direction through four components: i) the identification of critical processes for inter-institutional connections; ii) the sensitisation of representatives of the public sector at national and regional level on successful experiences in the promotion, operation and management of the RDA; iii) the systematisation of the stages in the development process of the seven pilot RDAs in Peru (Apurímac, Piura, Cusco, La Libertad, San Martín, Ayacucho and Cajamarca); and iv) advocacy based on the results of the previous stages to generate a proposed roadmap.


  • Contribute to the process of sustainability of the Regional Development Agencies (RDA) in Peru, through the systematisation and critical analysis of the experience of the seven agencies participating in the project: ‘Sustainable economic development and promotion of SMEs at sub-national level’, co-financed by the European Union and the German government.

Publications and documents

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Taller ARD: Experiencia APROFRUT, Valle de Limatambo, Cusco - Perú

Taller "Agencias Regionales de Desarrollo. Fortaleciendo la articulación territorial"

Taller: Agencias Regionales de Desarrollo. Desarrollo, Gobernanza y estrategia de sostenibilidad.

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