Evaluation and methodology assessment for the strengthening of the Indigenous Territorial Development Programme (PDTI) Indap-Conadi

About the project

Rimisp was awarded the bid 609-6-LQ24 ‘Acquisition of the services of evaluation and methodology survey for the strengthening of the Indigenous Territorial Development Program INDAP-CONADI, PDTI’ of the National Agricultural Institute (INDAP) of the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile. This consists of a technical consultancy to INDAP to monitor the implementation of the programme in 22 communes in Chile, a communication strategy to distribute the process of improvement and meaning of the PDTI within and outside INDAP, an assessment of possible changes to its regulations for the northern macro-zone of the country, and an evaluation of the relevance and feasibility of an exit policy for the programme considering the current guidelines of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The general objective of this tender is to carry out a technical and methodological evaluation in the process of strengthening and adjusting the policies governing the INDAP-CONADI Indigenous Territorial Development Programme, PDTI, and in related issues to address some aspects of other INDAP programmes.

Its specific objectives are as follows:
●Objective n°1: Monitoring of the technical-administrative performance of the Indigenous Territorial Development Programme (PDTI), from an integral territorial approach.
●Objective 2: Recover and strengthen the meaning and nature of the Indigenous Territorial Development Programme (ITDP) in the users and coordination roundtables.
●Objective 3: Propose normative changes to the Indigenous Territorial Development Programme (ITDP) to better respond to the specificities of each territory.
●Objective n°4: To assess the relevance and feasibility of a policy for exiting users of the Indigenous Territorial Development Programme (PDTI), according to the current political orientations of the Government Programme through MINAGRI (food sovereignty, food security, recognition of native peoples and their economies, among others).

The project is implemented in the regions of Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Atacama, Biobío, La Araucanía, Los Ríos and Los Lagos, in regional capitals, INDAP areas and indigenous territories.

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