Networks for Agri-Food Transformation

This project aims to support the sustainable transformation of agri-food systems in three rural territories in Latin America, contributing to the rescue and enhancement of agri-food practices being developed by indigenous and peasant communities in Mexico, Guatemala and Bolivia.

Identification, awareness-raising and advocacy for the consolidation of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in Peru

To date, the implementation and consolidation of the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) is being developed gradually, in accordance with the dynamics of each territory, and the work agenda includes actions such as the definition of the formal institutional framework; the development of their strategy and action plan; the leveraging of financial resources; and the design, communication, circulation and implementation of the services provided by each RDA in the territory.

Evaluation of Digital Route 2021. Closing connectivity gaps for rural women

The project consists of an evaluation of the results of the Digital Route 2021 experience, implemented by the Foundation for the Promotion and Development of Women (PRODEMU) between February and December 2021, with the aim of improving the quality of participation of users of the Rural Women’s Programme

Territories in Dialogue: Inclusion and Rural Wellbeing

Starting in 2019, and with the support of IDRC and the Ford Foundation, Rimisp is implementing the Territorios en Diálogo project, which seeks to improve the wellbeing of territories excluded from the development process through innovations in both conceptual and practical approaches to development dynamics in contexts of socio-territorial conflict, with a particular focus on youth.