Generation of socio-ecological indicators and sustainability index for landscape restoration.

The project aims to develop, in a participatory manner, a set of socio-ecological indicators, from which it will be possible to generate sustainability indices for different restoration landscapes.

The indicators will take into account the different dimensions of the landscape: biodiversity, water and inland aquatic ecosystems, and ecosystem services: sustainable production, human well-being, and governance.

The project will be implemented in seven landscapes of the Mediterranean ecoregion of central Chile, specifically in the regions of Coquimbo, Valparaíso, O’Higgins, Maule, Ñuble and Biobío. The initiative is financed by the FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.

Consultancy for the Elaboration of a National Plan for Peasant and Indigenous Family Farming in Chile

Development of a National Plan for Peasant and Indigenous Family Farming, in line with the commitments of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the REAF/MERCOSUR Plan for the Decade of Family Farming. This will be achieved through the creation of dialogue spaces between public institutions and peasant organizations within REAF/MERCOSUR civil society.

Development of the management capacities of the Gores in Chile

The project seeks to support Chile in its decentralisation process and the strengthening of fiscal, political and administrative institutions to promote multilevel governance and intergovernmental relations in order to reduce territorial gaps at subnational level.

Development Plan for Extreme Zones (PDZE) of the Province of Palena and the commune of Cochamó

This project aims to develop the Extreme Zones Development Plan (PDZE) for the Province of Palena and the Commune of Cochamó, Los Lagos Region (Chile). To this end, a diagnostic study, citizen participation activities and a portfolio of projected investments relevant to the formulation of the PDZE, commissioned by the Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Regional (Subsecretary for Regional Development) (Subdere), will be drafted.

Protierra Catatumbo Program

Thanks to the acceptance and community participation generated by Mercy Corps’ Protierra Tibú Programme (2019 – 2023), which formalised 1,100 property rights for farming families and improved their food sovereignty and security, the Protierra Catatumbo Programme will be implemented.

Cultural change strategy for transparency in Cartagena

The aim of the project was the participatory design and evaluation of six behavioural initiatives to be included and implemented in the communications strategies of two city agencies. The methodological principles of this initiative are the use and application of behavioural sciences and communications for social change, the co-creation of interventions with local actors and the experimental measurement of their results.

Strengthening of the thematic area of socio-territorial conflicts

The objective of this project is to generate new institutional arrangements at the national level in a set of Latin American territories considering the visions of traditionally excluded territorial actors, whose well-being and development are currently affected by the persistence of socio-territorial conflicts.