Workshops on Socialization of Rural Quality of Life Indicators are held in three rural communes of Chile

Within the framework of the project “Study for the Revision of Quality of Life Indicators in rural territories”, Rimisp – Latin American Center for Rural Development conducted three workshops in the communes of Paihuano (Coquimbo region), Quellón (Los Lagos region) and Marchigüe (O’Higgins region), in order to review the relevance of the current indicators, as well as to define standards for the indicators of the final proposal.

Farewell to Paco Rhon, a friend of Rimisp

Rimisp – Latin American Center for Rural Development, and especially our office in Ecuador, deeply regrets the departure of our friend and colleague, Francisco Rhon, who was a great support to the organization, being also part of the Board of Directors and as an advisor for several years to the Rural Dialogue Group (RDG).

Quito Coffee Producers’ Business Roundtable yields its fruits

The Specialty Coffee Business Roundtable, organized by our office in Ecuador and the Municipality of Quito, was successfully held. This event brought together a dozen producers from rural parishes of the Metropolitan District of the Ecuadorian capital and 13 specialty coffee shops.

Rimisp boosts commercialization of Quito’s coffee producers

A group of nine coffee producers from Ruta Escondida and Chocó Andino, in the northwest of the Metropolitan District of Quito (DMQ), will take part in a Specialty Coffee Business Roundtable, organized by our office in Ecuador and the Municipality of the DMQ.

Rurality in the Constituent Process in Chile

The objective of the project was to articulate, systematize and influence Chile’s constituent process by making the voices of rural communities visible so that they could be heard.