Rimisp 2024 Annual Report

This document provides an overview of the work carried out during the year. It is divided into sections: projects, activities, publications, press and digital media management, donors and Rimisp’s network of partners.

Territorial Diagnosis of Torotoro’s local food system

This report is part of the output of the applied research project ‘Networks for agro-food transformation’ and carries out a review and analysis of the current situation of Torotoro (Bolivia) with respect to its food system based on its socio-cultural and productive dynamics, using secondary and primary information, revised as of December 2023.

Rimisp 2023 Annual Report

This document provides an overview of the work carried out this year. It is divided into sections: projects, activities, publications, press appearances, institutional strengthening, donors and Rimisp’s network of partners.

Redesigning Decentralisation – Executive Summary

This paper attempts to take some steps in the still shaky terrain of the new decentralisation. In addition to this introduction, the paper presents an executive summary and four chapters with their respective annexes. We have revised, adjusted and expanded what we call the findings of the decentralisation model, incorporating in this version, among other elements, the analysis of ethnic territories, especially indigenous ones, as well as defining more precisely the scope of the transfer model.

Final Report “Evaluation of Digital Route 2021. Closing connectivity gaps for rural women”.

This document is the result of the project “Evaluation of the Digital Route 2021. Cerrando brechas de conectividad para las mujeres rurales” developed by Rimisp – Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural, and was made possible thanks to funding from the Fondo para vivir Mejor 2022 of the Chilean Ministry of Social Development and Family. In addition, we are grateful for the collaboration of FundaciĂłn PRODEMU for their efforts in making this evaluation possible.