Socio-territorial conflicts associated with the implementation of the National Program for the Substitution of Illicit Crops (PNIS).

The following policy brief makes a series of recommendations oriented to the design and implementation of policies and programs for the voluntary substitution of illicit crops, taking up the rural territorial development approach that Rimisp has promoted for more than 30 years in Latin America, and incorporating elements for a better understanding of CST as an input for its treatment and transformation.

Protierra Catatumbo Program

Thanks to the acceptance and community participation generated by Mercy Corps’ Protierra Tibú Program (2019 – 2023), which formalized 1,100 property rights for farming families and improved their food sovereignty and security, the Protierra Catatumbo Program will be implemented.

Cultural change strategy for transparency in Cartagena

The objective of the project was the participatory design and evaluation of six behavioral initiatives to be included and implemented in the communications strategies of two city agencies. The methodological principles of this initiative are the use and application of behavioral sciences and communications for social change, the co-creation of interventions with local actors and the experimental measurement of their results.

Promoting local tax culture in PDET municipalities

On average, Colombian municipalities depend 67% on State transfers, according to information from the National Planning Department. This dependence is particularly marked in PDET municipalities, mostly rural and category 6, which imposes challenges on the financial autonomy and agenda of the territories, so it is of utmost importance to strengthen own collection through tax compliance.

Rimisp, in alliance with CISEPA – PUCP, held a workshop on illicit crops and socio-territorial conflicts.

On Tuesday, August 29, at the Center for Sociological, Economic, Political and Anthropological Research (CISEPA) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, a workshop was held on “Illicit crops and Socio-territorial Conflicts.” This meeting was organized by CISEPA – PUCP in collaboration with Rimisp, as part of the project “Strengthening of the thematic area of socio-territorial conflicts (CST)” and the research “Dynamics and socio-territorial conflicts associated with the cultivation and/or transit of illicit drugs in the Andean sub-region.”

The Manuel Chiriboga Award reaches its fifth edition

The Manuel Chiriboga Award is open for PhD thesis projects in any discipline of the social sciences, on topics associated with the transformations of rural societies in Latin America. Those interested may apply until October 31.

Rimisp participated in Apimondia Chile 2023

Thanks to the management and financing of the program of the Regional Government of Los Lagos ”Recovery and economic reactivation of the beekeeping sector for producers in the province of Palena and Llanquihue”, executed by Rimisp – Latin American Center for Rural Development, 30 beekeeping producers from the Los Lagos Region participated in the 48th International Congress of Apiculture – Apimondia Chile 2023 that took place in Santiago between September 4 and 8.